Test access

Test access to the electronic publishing group. “GEOTAR-Media” presents a full range of solutions for all levels of medical and pharmaceutical education https://www.geotar.ru/

Test access to the electronic medical library “Doctor’s Consultant” https://www.rosmedlib.ru/

Test access to the multidisciplinary educational resource “Student Consultant” (www.studentlibrary.ru) which is an electronic library system (ELS)

Test access to a smart learning tool for mastering concepts in medicine https://www.lecturio.com/

Test access to a national subscription to Wiley resources in Kazakhstan in 2024. Information portal for employees and students of organizations participating in the project. https://www.wileyresearcheracademy.com/p/kazakhstan

From November 2022 Test access to the electronic library system (ELS) is open Business media Polpred.com Media review

These are databases whose materials are provided free of charge for a limited period. Most often, access is granted to a limited collection. The list of test access databases changes regularly, so keep an eye on the main page of the site for the latest information.

Test access to the journals from the All Publications collection by the American Chemical Society (ACS) https://pubs.acs.org/.

The American Chemical Society (ACS), founded in 1876, is one of the largest scientific organizations in the world. The ACS Publications division publishes peer-reviewed journals, e-books, research from Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry and Medicine, and also releases the news journal Chemical & Engineering News.

ACS journals have an average impact factor of 5.30, and more than 20 of them are ranked among the top ten in their respective fields.

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